audio_image examples


audio_image is a plugin that allows writers using gitbook to insert images that play an audio file when clicked.


Add to book.json: plugins: ["audio_image"]


audio_image introduces a aimg block with the following syntax:

{% aimg [key1=arg1[, key2=arg2[,..]]] %}imgfile,audiofile1[,audiofile2[,..]]{% endaimg %}


Minimal example

{% aimg %}img/img1.png,audio/img1.wav{% endaimg %}

Example of keyword arguments

Keyword arguments are translated to HTML tags. Keyword arguments must start with img or audio and will be added to the respective tags. This example will show an image of a specific size and will show audio controls below the image. Note that for non keyword arguments in HTML you must use a keyword argument with an empty value.

{% aimg imgwidth="50", imgheight="100", audiocontrols=""%}img/img1.png,audio/img1.wav{% endaimg %}

Multiple audio files for better performance

Different browsers support different audiofiles. So if you want to support all the browsers you can specify multiple files.

{% aimg %}img/img1.png,audio/img1.ogg,audio/img1.mp3{% endaimg %}

Comma in filename

If you really want comma's in your filename you can escape them with a single backslash.

{% aimg %}img/img\,1.png,audio/img1.wav{% endaimg %}


Mart Lubbers ([email protected])


See LICENCE file.